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Message to Organization of Women of the Americas

Organization of Women of the Americas - Women organization in Washington DC

Organization of Women of the Americas

(202) 370-0264
(202) 370-0264


Charity Non Profit

About Organization of Women of the Americas

The Organization of Women of the Americas (OWA), a non-profit, charitable organization operated under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, was founded in 1997. Its members comprise lady Ambassadors, accredited to the Organization of American States (OAS) as Permanent Representatives or Observers, the wives of Ambassadors, who are Permanent Representatives and Observers to the OAS, Alternates, wives of Alternates, the wife of the Secretary General, the wife of the Assistant Secretary General; as well as associate members.

Since it was founded, the OWA has made contributions to numerous organizations, including the Oncology Section of the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.; the Caribbean American Intercultural Organization; the OAS program to help landmine victims in Central America; the “Casa Rosada” home for children with AIDS in the Dominican Republic; Programs of Mother Theresa of Calcutta’s Missionaries of Charity in Washington, D.C.; the Arc en Ciel Orphanage in Haiti; the “Mundo Mejor” Foundation in Colombia; and the Sisters of Mother Theresa in Peru. These contributions were made in part by fundraising events such as the Food Festival of the Americas and the Gala of the Americas.

The principle objectives of the OWA are:

- To sensitize the public on the needs and problems of women and children in the Americas;
- To strengthen the ties between member countries of the OAS;
- To unite the diplomatic community and citizens of the Americas who live in the metropolitan area of Washington, DC with a view to organizing and promoting fund-raising and other activities that assist institutions and programs that promote the well-being of women and children in the region, and;
- To showcase the cultures of the member countries of the OAS.


Primary Office Location

pin 17th Street & Constitution Avenue NW Washington DC 20006

pin (202) 370-0264

Social Media

Twitter page for Organization of Women of the Americas - Women organization in Washington Facebook page for Organization of Women of the Americas - Women organization in Washington
Message Organization of Women of the Americas
(202) 370-0264