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Message to Florida Association for Women Lawyers

Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando FL

Florida Association for Women Lawyers

(866) 241-3295
(866) 241-3295

About Florida Association for Women Lawyers

Founded in 1951, the Florida Association for Women Lawyers strives to propel women lawyers into economic, social and leadership spheres of power.

Our mission is to actively promote gender equality and the leadership roles of FAWL’s members in the legal profession, judiciary and community at large. To achieve these goals, FAWL will uphold the highest standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, promote reform in law, and facilitate administration of justice.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 721264 Orlando FL 32872

pin (866) 241-3295


Social Media

Twitter page for Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando Facebook page for Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando Twitter page for Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando
Message Florida Association for Women Lawyers
(866) 241-3295