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Message to Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast

Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast - Women  in Palm Beach Gardens FL

Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast

(785) 856-8272
(785) 856-8272


Business Real Estate Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast

CREW Network is the premier business networking organization dedicated to transforming the commercial real estate industry by advancing women globally. The organization was founded in 1989 to bring together women involved in the many aspects of commercial real estate to exchange information, develop business contacts and help each other succeed professionally.

CREW Palm Beach/Treasure Coast follows the core mission of the network on a local level and helps its members excel in the commercial real estate industry by providing networking opportunities and platforms, informative programming, support to today's women in the industry as well as paving the way for the future women leaders through scholarships, mentorship and internships.

CREW PBTC Mission Statement: To develop and foster relationships with dynamic women, to support one another, grow our respective businesses and enhance our own personal development while contributing to the community.

CREW Network provides support to its 11,000+ members worldwide in 70+ markets through business development, leadership development, industry research and career outreach.


Primary Office Location

pin 4280 Professional Center Dr. Palm Beach Gardens FL 33418

pin (785) 856-8272


Social Media

Facebook page for Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast - Women  in Palm Beach Gardens Twitter page for Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast - Women  in Palm Beach Gardens
Message Commercial Real Estate Women Network Palm Beach Treasure Coast
(785) 856-8272