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Message to Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers

Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando FL

Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers

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About Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers

The Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers (CFAWL) is a professional organization dedicated to promoting the advancement and recognition of its members by expanding leadership and volunteer opportunities within the Central Florida community.

CFAWL is a professional organization devoted to:

1. Actively promoting the advancement and recognition of women in the legal profession;
2. Expanding leadership and involvement of its members in the community at large;
3. Furthering the common interests of, and encouraging camaraderie and learning among its members;
4. Promoting women’s opportunities and rights; and
5. Upholding the highest standards of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession.

In addition to establishing camaraderie and membership within the CFAWL peer group, the organization falls under the broader goals of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL) in promoting equal rights, advocacy and opportunity for all members of the legal profession.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 3351 Orlando FL 32802


Social Media

Twitter page for Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando Facebook page for Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando Instagram page for Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando Instagram page for Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers - Women  in Orlando
Message Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers