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Message to Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter

Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter - Women  in Bethesda MD

Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter

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About Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter

AWIS champions the interests of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics across all disciplines and employment sectors. Working for positive system transformation, AWIS strives to ensure that all women in these fields can achieve their full potential.

The Bethesda Chapter of AWIS was formed in 1991 and has grown to over 150 members. Its members are actively engaged in scientific research, education, administration and policy activities, and are employed in federal agencies, academia, business, and non-profit organizations. The National AWIS office publishes materials about women in science, including a quarterly print magazine and a biweekly electronic Washington Wire”.


Primary Office Location

pin Bethesda MD

Social Media

Twitter page for Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter - Women  in Bethesda Twitter page for Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter - Women  in Bethesda Facebook page for Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter - Women  in Bethesda
Message Association for Women in Science Bethesda Chapter