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Message to Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter

Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter - Women  in Detroit MI

Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter

(313) 327-2256
(313) 327-2256


About Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter

The Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter has a long history of championing the advancement of women and honoring excellence across all communications disciplines. Our organization is built on the capabilities of dedicated women who are passionate about seeing women succeed.

We provide members with various forums to connect, offer expert-led programs that help members diversify their knowledge and keep pace with change, and give one another the support and mentorship to succeed. With more than 80 years of chapter history, we continue to support women in communications by providing a strong foundation for personal and professional growth.

In addition to our legacy of supporting women’s advancement, AWC Detroit has a special focus on inspiring literacy, which is a critical cause for all communicators! We strive to “make a difference” in peoples’ lives.

We provide opportunities for women to lead, connect and grow at every stage in their communications career.

The Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter provides opportunities for connecting and supporting women in Detroit and throughout Michigan in the advancement of their careers.

We help our members grow and succeed personally and professionally. We work to transform the lives of people in our communities by inspiring literacy and supporting women’s causes.


Primary Office Location

pin 71 Garfield, Ste. 140A Detroit MI 48201

pin (313) 327-2256

Social Media

Twitter page for Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter - Women  in Detroit Twitter page for Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter - Women  in Detroit Facebook page for Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter - Women  in Detroit Instagram page for Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter - Women  in Detroit
Message Association for Women in Communications Detroit Chapter
(313) 327-2256